Hunter Douglas Shutters

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Interior Shutters by Hunter Douglas

A Classic Look that never goes out of Style.

Hunter Douglas’ collection of interior shutters includes the popular Plantation Shutters. Shutters are available in premium hardwood and poly-satin, faux wood compounds, featuring long-lasting finishes and exceptional craftsmanship.  

Choices include the following Hunter Douglas product lines:
Heritance® Hardwood Shutters
are crafted for maximum strength and durability, using Truemill® dovetail joinery and finished with any of our 100 Integra paint and stain finishes.
NewStyle® Hybrid Shutters
combine the great style of wood with the strength, stability, and straightness of advanced modern-day materials.
Palm Beach™ Polysatin Shutters 
are constructed from UV resistant polysatin compounds and are guaranteed never to warp, fade, chip or peel, regardless of extreme heat or moist conditions.